You have an Apple One subscription and want to share it?
Find out here exactly how it works :)
Important: Before sharing with your fellow users, make sure that purchase sharing is disabled !
You can only be a member of one family at a time and you are only allowed to change family groups once a year.
Account owner:
To invite someone to join your subscription, he/she must provide you the email address or ID he/she uses for its Apple account. If the joiner do not have an account, he/she will need to create one.
From your iPhone or iPad:
Go to "Settings" > "iCloud" (your name) and then "Family Sharing".
Tap "Add member" and invite the person via iMessage.
Enter the email address of the person sharing and send the invitation.
From your Mac:
Click on the Apple icon at the top left of your screen, then click on your System Preferences.
Then select "Family Sharing" in the new window
Finally, tap "+" and enter the email address of the person sharing.
You have received the invitation by e-mail or SMS. Simply click on the invitation and follow the instructions.
Apple One 200 GB Familie
Apple One Premium 2 TB
Spliiit ist die Co-Abonnement-Lösung, die Ihrem Geldbeutel gut tut!